A Nanny is close to your private life, a good click is therefore essential. We guide you, through every step of the process of finding the right Nanny.

Thus, we are happy to make a personal appointment, to map out your wishes regarding the Nanny and discuss our possibilities with you. During the selection process we have regular contact with you. We look at the needs of you and your family and respond accordingly.

By following the steps below, you will have a professional Nanny within a short period of time.

Steps of our approach:

During a telephone conversation we will review with you what we can do for you, in this you can ask your questions and together we can see if a Nanny can be an appropriate solution.

If you are interested, we will send you our working method, information and terms and conditions by e-mail without obligation.

TFA will schedule an intake meeting with you at a time that is convenient for you. Together we will discuss your needs and wishes. This enables us to search for the right candidate for your family.

After confirming the search, we start by approaching a number of suitable candidates in our database. In consultation with them, we send the resumes to you by e-mail.

TFA reviews resumes with you over the phone. You select which candidates appeal to you and want to meet in person. After getting feedback on this, we move further into the process.

TFA schedules interviews with the selected candidates. At a place, time and date proposed by you. You can decide how to fill these interviews, if needed we will advise you on this.

After the interviews we contact you to evaluate, you indicate which candidate(s) you would like to continue with in the process.

We plan a walk-in moment with one or more selected candidates. This is the moment where you can see if the cooperation goes well, the click is there and it is also a good time for the children to meet the potential Nanny. If you have any doubts and are not convinced, we will look for another suitable candidate. If you click with one of the Nannies we will continue the process.

After the mutual decision to proceed with a candidate, we will provide a salary indication. You can discuss the terms of employment with the Nanny in a third interview or after the follow along moment.

Once you have agreed and entered into the partnership, offer the Nanny an employment contract. If you wish, we will help you draw it up. We also advise on matters of importance to you as an employer.

Once the contract is signed by both parties, we will send the mediation invoice. Should we not succeed in finding a suitable candidate for you, we will not charge you anything. If the search ends through TFA, we will remove your personal data from our database.

Two weeks after the start of the contract, we contact you and the Nanny. We coach where necessary. After 6 weeks, 4 months and after 10 months we have another evaluation moment, this can be on location, by phone or by email. In between you can always contact us.