Looking for a Nanny in Amsterdam? Here's how to make the process go faster

Looking for a Nanny in Amsterdam? Here's how to make the process go faster

As a parent with a demanding job and a busy family life, finding the right Nanny can be quite complicated. But wow, once it works out, having a Nanny at home is truly a blessing. A reliable and caring Nanny offers not only support, but also a lot of peace of mind in the busy goings-on of a family. We give 5 tips for parents in Amsterdam who are looking for a Nanny.

Map out your requirements for a Nanny

Before you start looking for a Nanny, it is essential to have a clear picture of what you need. Make a list of the responsibilities, desired skills and personal traits you think are important in a Nanny. Think about things like set work hours, tasks around the house and any special needs of your children. A clear description helps better assess potential candidates. This will help us find the perfect match faster!

Not so sure what's possible and where exactly your needs lie? We can spar anytime! Contact us and we'll set up an appointment for a call.

2. Contact a Nanny agency in a timely manner. We at The Family Assistant are here for you!

It can be very complicated and overwhelming to look for a Nanny on your own.
We often see families fail to find a suitable Nanny after a long search.
Therefore, once you have made the decision that you would like the help of a Nanny, please contact us. Then we can immediately check our Nanny network to see which nice ladies are available and we will look for your dream candidate. This saves you as parents a lot of time and hassle. We screen the Nannies, train them and educate them. Also during the cooperation with you, the Nannies are coached by us.

3. Conduct extensive interviews with screened Nannies.

We select several resumes and Nannies for you. You select who appeals to you and then we schedule the interviews with you. Really take some time for this. Ask questions about experiences, interests, values and anything else you want to know about your potential Nanny. Look at personality, communication style and also the feeling you have with a Nanny. This is all very important because your Nanny is going to play a big role in your family and daily routine. We will evaluate the interview with you and if you feel a go we will schedule a walk-along so your Nanny gets to know you even better.

4. Check references from previous employers of your potential Nanny

References are incredibly important. If you are looking for a Nanny via The Family Assistant we have taken this process completely out of your hands. Good, because this takes quite some time. So you can rest assured that everything is fine with this Nanny.

5. Properly document working hours and costs for the Nanny in a contract

Is it a match? It is important that the terms of employment and contracts are also well taken care of. If you wish, we can help you draw these up. We also advise on matters of importance to you as an employer. Because our Nannies are employed, they are very involved with the family. They feel appreciated and for both Nanny and parents all agreements about the cooperation are well established. So no hassle!

Want to know more about what a nanny can do for your family? Read more about the duties of our Nannies here.