Looking for a Nanny at home? 3 tips you should look out for

Looking for a Nanny at home? 3 tips you should look out for

Looking for a reliable Nanny at home? We know like no other how long and complicated this search can be. Because as a parent you are faced with a lot of choices. Do I go for a Nanny from abroad or do I prefer a Dutch speaking Nanny, maybe from the same neighborhood in Amsterdam? Do I choose a Nanny agency or do I search in my own network? We help you on your way with 3 important points to consider when looking for a Nanny.

1. Does the Nanny have the right experience and references?

As parents, you want to be 100% sure that your offspring is in good hands with the Nanny. Therefore, you definitely want to go for a carefully screened Nanny. Nannies working through The Family Assistant are extensively screened, pedagogically skilled and in possession of an appropriate diploma. They have extensive experience working with children and provide a trusted environment for your family.

2. Does the Nanny receive supervision during her work?

You want the children to feel at home with the Nanny, but conversely, you also want the Nanny to feel completely at home with the family and to have a lot of fun in her work.

Our Nannies are first trained by us and then supervised and coached in her work. Thus we guarantee the highest quality and promote a lasting cooperation. We are always there for your family and your Nanny.

Curious about how we can help your family find the cutest, sweetest, most caring Nanny? Request no obligation information here.

3. Personality, confidence and "feeling good

Perhaps an open door, but incredibly important. Is there a click with the Nanny, you as parents and the children? Does it feel familiar? Do you leave your kids with a nice feeling? At The Family Assistant we do everything to find the perfect match. And we always succeed! We have an extensive intake in which we discuss your wishes, then we look for you and introduce you to several suitable Nannies. After a trial run, in which the Nanny participates in your family, we evaluate how the possible cooperation feels. Good? Then we quickly arrange the terms of employment, the contract and the Nanny can start working! Read more about our working method when looking for a suitable Nanny for your family.

Want to know more about a Dutch Nanny at home?

We would love to get in touch with your family. We have a file of extensively screened ladies who can start within 2 months! For us, the perfect match is essential for a fine and long-term cooperation. We are happy to schedule an intake meeting to address your needs.

Contact us here