What is the difference between a Nanny, a Nanny, a Family Assistant, an Au Pair and a Host Parent?

Not everyone knows the differences between the various forms of in-home child care. We'll walk you through the difference between a Nanny, a Nanny, a Family Assistant, an Au Pair and a Guest Parent. That way you can make an informed choice about child care that best suits your needs and desires.

What does a Nanny do?

A Nanny works full-time (or part-time if you wish) for oneone family. She takes on the care and upbringing of the children during the parents' absence. The Nanny, unlike a babysitter, also performs organizational work and light housework. A Nanny takes the children to school, arranges appointments for the children, cooks, runs errands and takes the children to clubs. When you get home you can assume that the house is tidy and you don't have to start cooking and housekeeping right away. So you have échte attention to your kids at the times you are home. Nannies working through TFA are carefully screened, educated and in possession of a related diploma. So you are assured of quality, reliability and discretion.

Read more about the duties of a Nanny here.

What does a babysitter do?

A nanny is generally not extensively screened and does not need to have extensive experience or educational background and training. Experience is also not a requirement to call yourself a "nanny. Often the nanny stays with a family for a shorter period of time and also has her school, studies or other side jobs. Therefore, she is not always available when you need help. Does a schedule change? Then the schedule you have discussed with the babysitter also changes. In addition, a nanny usually does little or no housework and has fewer responsibilities than a Nanny.

What does an Au Pair do?

An Au Pair often comes from abroad to the Netherlands for a period of time (maximum oneyear) to work here at oneone family. An Au Pair, unlike a Nanny, also lives with you. Unlike a Nanny or Family Assistant, who can stay for several years, the Au Pair leaves again at the end of the year anyway. Like a Nanny, the Au Pair also takes care and household duties off your hands. The advantage of an Au Pair is that she is often available in the evenings as well. Also, the costs for a foreign Au Pair are often lower than for a Dutch Nanny. The disadvantage is that you have little privacy as a family. You have to have sense, space and time to invest in an Au Pair who leaves again after a year. Also, an Au Pair often does not speak Dutch and you will have to communicate in English. This is often quite a challenge for the children.

What does a host parent do?

A host parent provides small-scale child care in a familiar, home-like environment. This can sometimes be the home of the parents, but usually it is the home of the host parent herself. A host parent usually has several children under her care. The host parent focuses purely on the care of the children and does not perform household chores for your family. Guest parents must meet the requirements of the Child Care Act, which means, among other things, that they are registered in the National Child Care Register, have a certificate of good conduct (VOG), and meet certain educational and quality standards.

What does a Family Assistant do?

Like a Nanny, a Family Assistant works full-time for a family. In addition to caring for the children and the household, the Family Assistant also takes on organizational and management tasks. She also sometimes helps out as a PA in the business of one of the parents. The Family Assistant books trips, outings, dental appointments and manages the family's calendar. Exactly what tasks a Family Assistant performs depends on your wants and needs. Our Family Assistants are also extensively screened and have extensive experience in organizing. This way, you can be sure that everything in and around your family continues to run when you are not present.

Read more about the work and duties of a Family Assistant here.

Looking for appropriate in-home child care? Our Nannies and Family Assistants would love to meet you

The Family Assistant matches Nannies and Family Assistants to busy families. Do you too need a stress-free family life? We'd love to help you find the perfect match.

Contact contact us to discuss the possibilities.