The Family Assistant is three years old! One big drawback: My three sons no longer know what I look like.

The Family Assistant is three years old! One big drawback: My three sons no longer know what I look like.

The Family Assistant is three years old!

One big drawback: My three sons no longer know what I look like.

It was a flying start right away. Despite the fact that corona had just broken out, which was hard to swallow for everyone.... because who had foreseen it? But also an extra drive to support families in these difficult times with one of our fantastic professionals. The go-getters, the all-rounders, truly invaluable. 

What started as a dream for me personally; being captain of my own ship and, above all, doing business in a certain way and interacting with people who connect with my feelings. A warm professional bath. Of course with a huge drive to make it a success! The goal: to give as many families as possible a stress-free (family) life in combination with a career. Because oooh dear people, I love that; it is so cool to have a career next to a beautiful family. Really feasible, if you arrange your life in such a way that you also have some air now and then. A week with friends to ibiza, good sports and above all do what makes you very happy.

Working 60 hours a week and running our family, I know better than anyone how important it is to have everything running smoothly at home. How valuable it is to have a stable factor that senses your family's needs and acts accordingly. (All credits to my mums, husband and everyone who supports us).

Personally, I am a much more fun and energetic person when I get to work full-time on something cool. It gives me energy, it makes my brain crack and gives me new challenges all the time. Óóeven challenges that I used to prefer to avoid due to my insecurity (yes people believe it...I am insecure too sometimes). Of course this is not possible when you are an entrepreneur so I had to face them. By now it has become a sport and I no longer avoid them, but go into them full force. Then let's fall! Just do it. And if you're scared? Then just do it scared!

One big disadvantage of running this business: My three sons don't know what I look like anymore. 

Just kidding!

My work really makes me a much nicer mom. And my boys? They really don't lack anything. After all, they also have a father (who runs our family at least as well and just a tad differently). On the weekends I am there with full focus, standing on the sidelines of soccer, sitting in the bath with the youngest with 5 bath bombs and eating cheese sticks, pizza and everything mixed up on the couch.

I think it's in that; not being present with only one leg because the other part of my brain is with the household. What if this is not well organized? Or all sorts of things still need to be done organizationally? Then you don't have the focus and it just doesn't feel right. You know that feeling that you can only put 70% effort into everything? That is exactly what I refuse to do. A very conscious choice to really focus on everything I do. This means that things that are less important or that give me less energy are thrown overboard. After all, there has to be shuffling somewhere people. You simply can't peak everywhere. 

Is it trial and error? Constantly! Because being an entrepreneur is also just hard work, going down, dealing with disappointments and occasionally losing a lot of money. Because you don't make the right choices as well as tears and nights of grinding.  

Last three years have flown by. What a learning experience! And what a cool team we have created. All the Nannies and Family Assistants, thank you for your inexhaustible commitment to all the families! Keep up the good work! And never forget the details! Mega grateful and proud that everyone is so involved. We hope to continue in the new year with the same passion, personal touch and highest service. Andnnn with lots of bath bombs, pizza, unlimited hugs and endless laughing and dancing together.