My search for the ideal family support

My search for the ideal family support

I'll be honest, in my search for the perfect family support, the eyes of many family members and friends almost rolled out of their heads when I described the tasks involved. Nevertheless, I believe there is a huge need for this. This is partly why I conceived and created the company: The Family Assistant.

Through my experience with the demanding families I've had the privilege of working for for years, I know where the needs are. Because of this, together with a fantastic team, I have developed the master classes for potential family assistants. By giving the potential candidates extra training and self-development, they are even better able to become a professional family assistant. In doing so, I want to put the family assistant profession on the map as a full and recognized profession. Because people, how cool it is to be able to fulfill such a valuable role within a family.

Family assistants were created for families with children who need more than child care. A family assistant is the personal assistant to the parents and possibly the nanny. They help the parents run their household. You could also call it a house manager or family manager. These terms are widely used in the USA and UK, where this profession is already a household name.

In other words, family assistants are there to help parents in any way they can. Unlike a nanny or babysitter, their role is not limited to just childcare. Often people hire a nanny or babysitter so that this person can spend time with their children. Families who hire a family assistant do so so they can spend time with their children themselves.

Why a family assistant?

Family Assistants not only help your children but also support parents

Nannies usually work with infants and toddlers, often full-time until the children start school. Family assistants often work for families whose children are older. This makes sense because the older the children get, the busier family life becomes. As an example, if you have several children who all need to be in different places at the same time, you need help getting them there. The family assistant is the jack-of-all-trades within your family life.

The family assistant gives you more time to spend with the children yourself

Educators often say that parents should read to their children every night, the question is: who on earth has time for that when we have so many other responsibilities. Sometimes it is hard to enjoy your children when there are still so many things to be done. The family assistant is not just there to help with your children, she is there to help you. You need someone to support you, to provide a healthy meal when you get home so that you have time for the children to read a story or play with them, for example.

Family assistants versus personal assistant

The only difference between a family assistant and a personal assistant is the word "family. Instead of helping manage a particular person's life, a family assistant helps make family life easier. Like a personal assistant, the tasks can vary; they can provide both personal and professional support. Most family assistants have business experience that allows them to fill this role flexibly.

Family assistants help you with the entire organization of the household

A babysitter or nanny will make sure the children are at their appointments on time. A family assistant will make sure everyone in the family shows up to their appointments on time. She may pay the bills, make doctor's appointments and walk the dog. In short, she feels a lot of responsibility for the entire management of your household.

Support in planning private events and events

You know the situation, your sister or sister-in-law is pregnant and a baby shower needs to be organized. Where do you get the time? You ask the family assistant to contact catering, she picks up the cake, orders flowers and makes sure the room is decorated. A family assistant is able to organize a baby shower, bachelorette party or children's birthday party.

Administrative tasks such as answering the phone and sending emails

Are you sick one day or do you have a sick child at home that day? The business emails keep coming in and the phone is red hot? Feel free to bring in the family assistant and use her for this administrative role.

A family assistant provides healthy meals for the whole family, not just the kids

Unlike a babysitter, who is responsible for feeding the children, an FA can help keep the pantry and refrigerator stocked and a healthy meal on the table. This gives you a chance to enjoy your evening. Of course, cooking is not their primary duty but family assistants are there to help you in any way they can.